Batchoy Tagalog

by Ariel J.
(Mandaluyong City)

Batchoy Tagalog

Batchoy Tagalog

When we say Batchoy, the first thing that comes to mind is the La Paz batchoy from Iloilo, it’s a noodle soup with chicharon, with miki noodles, egg and broth.

However, this Batchoy Tagalog recipe is more like the Chicken Tinola soup in terms of cooking procedure, taste and aroma.

It’s basically a soup dish made up of porkloin, liver and kidney, sautéed in onion, garlic & ginger and of course the star of this recipe, the solid cubed blood which can either from pork or cow.

Misua noodle is added instead of the miki noodles and we put chili leaves, just like in of the Tinola.


• 1 kl. Pork tenderloin (lomo) sliced thinly
• 1/8 kl. Pork Liver (sliced thinly)
• 1/8 kl. Pork Spleen or Lapay (sliced thinly)
• 1/2 bar Cow’s Blood (cubed)
• 1/4 cup (patis) Fish Sauce
• 5 cloves Garlic
• 1 medium sized Onion
• 2 thumbsize ginger, cut in strips
• 1 bundle Sili Leaves
• Salt & Pepper to taste
• 12-15 cups water
• 4 small Packs of Misua

Cooking Procedure

1. Saute garlic, onion & ginger.

2. Add the pork lomo & cook until slightly brown.

3. Add in patis & and water and bring to a boil.

4. Turn the heat down and let it simmer until the meat is tender.

5. Add the liver, pork lapay & cubed blood then simmer for 5 minutes.

6. Mix in the misua.

7. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

8. Lastly, put the sili leaves and serve hot.

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