Oriental Chicken

by Ariel J.
(Mandaluyong City)

Oriental Chicken

Oriental Chicken

Tired of your typical fried chicken?

Are you always experiencing the “umay”. Well, this Oriental chicken is a sure fire way of turning your “umay” into “Oh my”.

Fried chicken is cooked in a lot of ways, some use batter to coat the chicken, others put some breading to make them crispy, with some gravy and sauces on the side.

But my favorite fried chicken these days is something that doesn’t need anything to mask the chicken to make it crispy : it’s this Chinese Fried chicken.

Oriental Fried chicken or Chinese fried chicken is simply fried chicken with a twist using light soy sauce, sugar, rice wine, ginger, onion powder and garlic powder and the secret ingredients (actually, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore since I am sharing with you all) : the five spice powder plus the star anise.

My family love this dish and they always come back for more, and I hope you will love it, too.

• 1 Whole Chicken
• 3 cups Soy Sauce
• 1 teaspoon Onion powder
• 1 teaspoon Five Spice powder
• 3 tbsp. Brown Sugar
• 2 tbsp. Rice Wine
• 1 thumb size Ginger
• 3 pieces Star Anise
• 1 tsp. Garlic Powder
• Oil for frying

Cooking Procedure :

1. Mix together the soy sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, five spice, rice wine, brown sugar, star anise & ginger. Rub all over the chicken and set aside in the refrigerator overnight.

2. The next day, boil 3 cups of water & add the chicken with the rub, and simmer for 15 minutes.

3. Deep fry the chicken. Serve.

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